State of Excellence

In the State of Ohio, there are more than 19,000 Scottish Rite Masons across 12 Valleys. It seems only natural that one may find several shining lights among so many Masonic Brothers. But in the State of Ohio the Light of Scottish Rite Masonry blazes as brightly as the noonday sun, for fully 9 of the 12 Valleys achieved the distinguished Valley of Excellence Award for the year 2022!

The Valley of Excellence award recognizes Valleys in the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction who go above and beyond in their endeavors. With focuses on areas of membership, service/philanthropy, leadership development and operations, this program encourages Valleys to deliver a premier Scottish Rite experience to their members. In order to achieve this recognition, Valleys were required to score 90% or better in the combined areas of focus.

2022 Valley of Excellence Criteria

The Ohio Council of Deliberation congratulates our 9 Valleys of Excellence, and feels confident that this number will only increase in the Buckeye State in the coming years. Through the efforts of State and Valley Leadership, and most importantly the tireless efforts of each and every member, an enriching pathway awaits every Master Mason who seeks further Light. Journey On, Brethren!

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